Historical Fiction Author

My Story


Award-winning author KD Holmberg, renowned for her captivating historical fiction, has recently ventured back into the enchanting realm of whimsy and make-believe with her new children’s books. She began writing short stories and poems for her five children when they were young and has since shared them with her eight grandchildren and now with children worldwide. She is an award-winning master craftsman from the Christian Writers Guild, a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW.com.) and Word Weavers International. Additionally, she is a founding member of jerrysguild.com, West Coast Christian Writers, and the Writing with the Erasers Facebook group.

A retired flight attendant, she has traveled to six continents, visited all fifty states, and lived in Hong Kong for four years. Her greatest joy comes from spending time with her adorable grandchildren—seven girls and one boy, whom she safely declares is her favorite grandson. She also loves being at the beach, breathing in the salty air, curating her collection of seashells, splashing in the rolling waves, and listening to the lively chorus of squawking gulls.


Worth a Thousand Words: